The question now is what is OnDemand, and what does it offer? Meon established OnDemand to provide a service for customers who wanted a guaranteed quality of markings across their whole estate. Since then, the product offering has grown to include barriers and asset protection systems, surface repair systems and bespoke marking projects.

OnDemand offers a ‘joined-up’ approach; we work with specifiers, Health & Safety teams & asset managers to take initial ideas right through to completion. This may include a number of stages such as design,  costing, trials & approvals, right on to fulfilment & any ongoing maintenance regimes. We provide one point of contact throughout the process, and our project management ensures conformity across multiple sites.

We have rigorous quality controls to ensure that every project is delivered safely, on time & budget. Along the way, we provide complete visibility to our clients through the use of technology and real-time project updates into your dedicated portal so that you can monitor the progress of every install. Every completed install is checked, signed off by the project manager & then covered by our guarantee for your peace of mind.

A crucial part of our vision is that we are committed to reducing our carbon footprint; we have invested our years of experience into products with the lowest carbon footprint the minimum of hot works to reduce installer risks and provide best-in-class lifetime value.

Health & safety is uppermost in our minds at all times – we never want an install to create a health & safety issue. To this end, a risk assessment and a method statement [often known as RAMS] is prepared for every install & submitted to the client for sign-off before the installation commences. From a customer perspective, our project teams have considerable training and experience; this means that we can provide help and support to any client looking to improve safety and productivity in and around their sites.

An excellent network of OnDemand installers gives nationwide coverage across the UK and Ireland. When combined with the large stock levels held in our warehouses, this means we can react quickly and confidently to every client’s requirement. If you are a multi-site company looking to standardise across your estate & appreciate one point of contact to work with, we can help you.