Car parks are essential for allowing customers to access retail centres. So, when a parking facility is not running efficiently or safely, this can significantly impact customer experience and footfall. In this article, we will be looking at improving customer experience and footfall in car parks, whether by self-delivery or contracted out. The points we are looking to cover are the following.

  1. The benefits of robust car park markings
  2. The areas to focus on within your car park
  3. Innovation in car park efficiency

The benefits of robust car park markings

Surfacing and surface paint are critical in car park safety and efficiency. Car parks are exposed to a more significant number of vehicle movements or wheel passes than many clients appreciate. Large numbers of daily activities require heavy-duty marking materials to ensure they last a long time and save reoccurring costs for car park owners.

For example, if a car park’s line markings are unclear or not marked to the correct specifications, this will lead to confusion over space usage, and parking tickets may need to be refunded. In extreme cases, an inspection could find a car park unusable due to incorrect or unclear markings. Losses could be incurred if an accident happens within the car park and unclear marking was deemed the cause.

clear car park markings

Bright and clear markings ensure the visibility of safe routes for pedestrians and vehicles to minimise any risk of accidents. They can also add to the retail centre and car park experience, ensuring visitors get a positive first impression of your facility and the businesses it supports. Furthermore, durable, slip-resistant materials will maximise the surface life and safety for pedestrians and drivers. Here are some points to consider.

Customer experience

  • Accessibility for all
  • Improved visual appearance
  • Clear and differentiated parking bays
  • Loyalty and word of the month

Customer value

  • Increased revenue from footfall
  • Maximised surface life
  • Minimised risk of claims relating to parking tickets and accidents

Customer safety

  • Legal compliance
  • Clear pedestrian and vehicle routes
  • Better traffic flow
  • Minimised risk of accidents

The areas to focus on within your car park

High streets and retail outlets are finding competition from internet retailers increasingly challenging. In 2018 alone, 43 companies folded, with 2,594 stores across the UK affected. At the same time, a study by Royal Mail found that online shoppers claimed to now make 80 per cent of purchases excluding groceries online. The UK high street is under pressure to halt a drop-off in visits and attract customers.

The change in shopping habits and reduced footfall is having a knock-on effect on the estimated 20,000 UK car parks, creating a more competitive environment. Car park owners must focus on customer experience, making their facility more efficient, and adapting to advances in automotive technology to sustain their business.

A survey was created by the British Parking Association (BPA) in 2017, which revealed that 44% of motorists say finding somewhere to park is stressful. When asked what would improve their experience, the customers said the following.

  1. 67% said the location of the parking
  2. 51% said the ease of access
  3. 44% bright lighting.

Add capacity through better car park layouts

Finding a lack of parking spaces when you arrive at your destination is a bugbear for nearly 50% of drivers (Source from BPA). While it can be impossible to add extra surface area to an existing car park, it is possible to maximise the use of space and increase capacity. Research by Professor David Percy at the University of Salford had found that designing parking bays in a diagonal grid, as opposed to a rectangular grid, can add more than 20% capacity to a car park.

Address Damaged Parking Bays

Customers are less likely to use parking bays with potholes or poor drainage. They may also avoid spaces adjacent to a pillar, wall or fence, making it more difficult to manoeuvre into or out of the space. Not only are these types of spaces less attractive, but they cause frustration to customers.

pothole in car park space

Improve car park design for pedestrians

Pedestrian walkways make customers feel safer by giving them a clear walkway that is separated from traffic, rather than forcing them to walk alongside, in front of or behind moving cars. It also reduces the risk of accidents caused by drivers not seeing someone walking near their vehicle. On top of this, pedestrian walkways can significantly contribute to the aesthetics of your car park. They help way-mark, making it easier for pedestrians to navigate the facility and locate their vehicle safely.

improved car park design for pedestrians

Car Park to Shopping Centre Transition

The entrance to a shopping centre is as important as the interior regarding customer experience. The same goes for the transition from the car park to retail outlets. One of the common areas of simple aesthetic improvement is adding some stylish and distinctive colours to the surface. These can be trafficked areas, parking bays, walkways or even inaccessible areas. Area coating systems can be simple to install and come in various forms like resin aggregates which can provide an aesthetically pleasing and practical surface but also have anti-slip properties.

Innovations in car park efficiency

When it comes to innovation within the car park, intelligent parking technology has been found to reduce the amount of time it takes to find a space by 45%, with a 30% reduction in miles driven and greenhouse gases produced. Here are just some of the innovations in car park management that are bringing about these efficiencies.

Colour coding within your car park

Colour-coding parking zones, pedestrian routes, and bays for people with specific needs all add to a positive customer experience in car parks.

  • Coloured walkways help people find the exit or entrance they require.
  • Coloured parking zones help customers find their car at the end of their visit.
  • Coloured parking bays can denote whether they are designed for disabled users, people with children, or electric-powered vehicles.
colour coding within your car park

Light Guidance Parking

According to Park Mark, it can take drivers between 10-15 minutes to find somewhere to park. Light guidance systems in car parks make it easier for people to find parking spaces by guiding them to available bays. Red and green lights along with the ceiling signal where spaces are available by using sensors to recognise if bays are occupied or not.

Electric Charging Bays

Within the next 20 years, all new cars sold will be electric. Now is the time for car park operators to start providing electric charging bays to meet the growing public and legislative demand. At the moment, charging stations are commonly found in small groups in a section of the car park. However, more facilities will need to be dedicated to electric cars in the future. These can be highlighted using bespoke surfacing.

electric charging bays

If you would like to discuss any of the solutions regarding your car park then get in touch today on 02394 340 001 or email us at